Many people have trouble budgeting - they get into debt, and they just can't find a place that they can cut out the spending. If you're having trouble doing this yourself, consider a "change jar." Get a jar or container of some kind and stick it on the table next to the bed or the door. Every day, contribute something to the jar.
It could be as little as whatever change you have in your pocket. If you think you can stick with it, shoot for something higher. Put in a dollar or two every day, and just don't touch it. At the end of the month, you'll have racked up quite a bit. Take your change down to the bank or to a converter machine and turn it into cash - then, no matter what, use that money to pay down your credit cards. Taking it to the bank probably makes the most sense - you'll already be there, and you can resist the temptation to go spend the money on something else. You can get coin rolls, or see if you can find a bank that has their own machine. If you are willing to roll the coins, do it - it'll save you the ten percent fees machines charge.
What if you feel like spending the money earlier? Don't. It's extremely important to maintain discipline - getting out of debt is just like a chore. You have to do it, and you have to do it every day. If you start to slip, you need to buck yourself up, or you'll be in credit card debt up to your eyeballs forever.
About the Author
Teve Torbes is an expert owner of an air mattress camping site, who knows a whole lot about air mattress woods. He has also created a valuable directory.
Friday, October 28, 2005
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